Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Silvery Path by Dennis Scheel

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dennis Scheel will award a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. Why do you write in your genre? What draws you to it?

I always loved the sci-fi and fantasy genres. Dark Fantasy is what mine evolved into.

What research is required?

As it is an old idea, I had most things worked out, but I did research to find fitting names for my demon characters, for example. I’ve also looked back across my previous books to make sure events and scenes line up and preserve continuity.

Name one thing you learned from your hero/heroine.

You can defy destiny.

Do you have any odd or interesting writing quirks, habits or superstitions?

Superstitions? Not too many, I did, however, write about gods and goddesses, since I found the concept of perfection intriguing, and saw ways to explore and break it down.

Are you a plotter or pantser?

Pantser mostly, but I do have a baseline of a plot when I begin, even though nothing is set in stone.

Look to your right – what’s sitting there?

A cat, monitoring the sounds outside the garden.

Anything new coming up from you? What?

After The Silvery Path I will make a story in the Paranormal / Sci-fi genre entitled “Mars Warriors.”

Do you have a question for our readers?

Do concepts like divine retribution and the end of the world sound like an intriguing read?

Will it end in peace or a silvery dose of fate?

Henna’s manipulation knows no bounds,
Denida is still the object of her prophecy, while Lucifer, God, and Gabriel remain in her sights.

Having seen her son, Nina is more determined than ever to bring him back from Henna’s world of dead souls. Meanwhile, the Darkness runs rampant across the Underworlds and on Earth as Lucifer’s grief over Heavani’s death overwhelms him.
,br> Everyone has their own goals and ends, but one thing is inescapable: the bright silvery path that Henna willed.

Can these characters escape destiny’s hold on them, or will they become pawns in Henna’s quest for revenge?

Read an Excerpt

Denida knelt behind Nina and rubbed her shoulders.

Nina sipped a drink, while watching her horse, Angel, grazing next to them on the outskirts of the forest near Dynasty. She squinted with a tranquil smile. “More to the left.” She rested the glass on her lap and hunched forward.

Denida focused on her other side.

“Ouch,” she hissed. “Not so hard.”

Crap, she’s not enjoying this. I shouldn’t have tried… Denida retracted his hands. “Sorry.”

Nina glared at him, put the glass on the ground, and rested on her stomach. “Maybe you can try now, unless you’re deliberately trying to disappoint me?”

“Of course not,” Denida insisted.

Nina smiled. “Good.”

Denida resumed rubbing Nina’s back until she turned over, took Denida’s hand, and stroked it. “This is nice.”

Denida leaned in close and kissed her. She folded her arms around him and pulled him close.

Angel moseyed farther away. He grazed until dusk, when Nina whistled for him, and he returned to them.

With Angel close again, Nina rested her head on Denida’s chest, stroking his hair. “We should spend more time together, like this, just us.”

“I always want to. Work has just been extremely busy, lately.”

“Maybe…” Nina’s fingers trailed down Denida’s chest, next to her head, and she fell into a slumber under the sunset’s orange glow.

About the Author:
Wring about myself… oh, the horror!

As a Christmas Child, I believe magic is everywhere, especially during the winter, and I try to weave that magic into my stories. After all, my firm belief in karma and destiny has shaped who I am, so it should guide my stories, as well.

I was born and raised in Denmark, but faced many challenges during my life, one of which was my inability to write my stories in Danish! I’ve had my stories brewing in my head since I was a child and struggled for years to express them properly. After recovering from a diabetic attack that left me hospitalized, I managed to find my writer’s voice in English, and am thrilled to now have the ability to share my tales with you.



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