Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Art to Online Dating by Fleur Lamot


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Fleur Lamot will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A step-by-step guide to navigating dating and finding love on the World Wide Web, written by someone with firsthand experience on the topic, and who has also tested the theory on a number of case studies and through research. Authored from a female perspective, directed to a female audience, although potentially an eye opening and helpful read for a male reader too.

This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self help book. It is about changing your mindset when embarking on singledom and internet dating to not fear it, by equipping you with the understanding of people's actions and motives.

Throughout the book you will be guided in setting up your online profile, picking your match, the all important art and the do's and don'ts through every step of courting someone, all the way to going forward with your ultimate love match!

Reading this book will bring you confidence and or at least clarity. It will make you think about your past experiences and open your eyes to see where they may have gone wrong, and more importantly to ensure the same mistakes don't happen to you on future experiences.

Read an Excerpt

This is a firsthand guide to using internet dating as a tool to its best outcome: to find love online. It is unemotional and it is a practical handbook. It worked for me, and it has since been tried and tested over and over, successfully working on the majority of people I interviewed. You will note a few of their cases documented, referred to as test cases later in the guide. There is no guarantee this will work for you, but it will give you an opportunity, and the more opportunities you get in life, the more chances you will have at succeeding. If this doesn’t work for you, at least you gave it a go and you will definitely have learnt something about yourself along the way.

This book is a step-by-step guide to navigating dating and finding love on the World Wide Web. It is written by someone with firsthand experience on the topic who has also tested the theory on a number of case studies and through research. The book has been written from a female perspective and is directed at a female reader/consumer. In saying this, a male reader would also find this book interesting, and potentially eye-opening and helpful. This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self-help book. Although there are a number of psychologists’ viewpoints here, I am not a psychologist; I am an ordinary person who has a successful career I am married, and I am a mother I am a businesswoman, and I built a very successful business from the ground up. This was achieved through my networking and relationship management experience as well as the professional mentoring and coaching that I was lucky enough to receive. I found love online using historical human principles, understanding people’s motives and actions, listening to the right people, as well as trusting my own instincts.

About the Author: I successfully found love online using historical principles, understanding people's motives and actions, listening to the right people, as well as trusting my own instincts. I am now married and a mother. I am a business woman with a very successful business, built from extensive networking and relationship management experience. I have received professional mentoring and coaching, which has helped me achieve all of this.

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Bitroux: High Country by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. A randomly drawn winner will be awarded a $25 Amazon/BN gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. Which character from modern science fiction TV series has most captured your imagination?

I was utterly intrigued by the character of Mother in the series Raised by Wolves, which was produced by Ridley Scott, my husband’s all-time favourite director. (Let’s not talk about how many times we’ve watched Bladerunner!)

Mother is categorized as a necromancer – a type of military android, but she’s been repurposed to be a caregiver, with the responsibility to start a peaceful colony of human children on the planet Kepple- 22b.

Mother has an ability to fly, shapeshift and disintegrate any living thing with sound waves.

As someone who is keenly interested in the properties of sound, and how they can be used, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I recommend checking out the show, just to get to know this intriguing character.

What was the first book you remember making an indelible impression on you?

Definitely Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel. I’ve been reading and thinking about that book since I first came across it, probably around the age of ten. The story of Ayla is really inspirational for the girls and women of our time. It’s about a girl who is different, who learns how to use her unique skills, develops incredible survival skills through tenacity, focus and courage, and who also has a deep, intrinsic connection with the natural and spiritual realms; from her connection to nature and to animals, her protectors in the clan, to her totem animal and her own inner strength.

Caves also play a role in the world of Bitroux, don’t they? Tell us about that.

The story of Bitroux takes place on the planet of Ahm, on the continent of San Aurelle, made up of seven individual countries. They are all now independently governed; after having originally been a federated country.

Under the continent of San Aurelle’s power grid is a deep and extensive cave network, which extends eight levels down below falling away into a seemingly endless abyss. This cave network seems to have existed outside anyone’s awareness until recently.

In Bitroux: High Country, Merouac and his niece Evra are taking a beat, after stressful recovery operations from when Evra fell down a shaft in the caves. However, the fact that they ended up in this obscure part of the underground landscape gave Merouac his first glimpse at the spaces deep below the city. It is what inspired him to oversee the relocation of the Helara, a population of extraterrestrial energies, who needed refuge from their imploding planet.

What kind of readers will enjoy Bitroux: High Country?

This book is for readers who enjoy stories exploring different ways of being in the universe, with plot lines that cross dimensions and allow characters to explore new skills and capabilities that may be available to us as human beings.

I’ve used the book as a way to explore the idea of our body as a tool for sensory perception, an essential part of how we understand sentience and intelligence in the world around us.

So, I think readers who are interested in altered states of consciousness, and how people experience them, will enjoy the book. That is; if you are interested in the human experience beyond the five senses, and thinking about what capabilities are being uncovered as we learn to bypass conscious thought and go into deeper levels of knowing.

If Merouac ever thought his life’s work would culminate in leading the metal workshops of the Transcontinental Railroad Project, he was sorely mistaken.

Now, his true challenge lies in navigating the other-worldly abilities he’s only beginning to understand—abilities that allow him to tune metal to interdimensional frequencies.

While trying to be a guardian to his niece, Evra, he’s realising she may have more to teach him than he ever expected. At the same time, his decision to help an interdimensional race find refuge underground puts him at the centre of an even deeper mystery.

As reality reshapes itself around him, Merouac faces a growing realisation: the world of Ahm is on the brink of a profound transformation, and everything he thought he knew may soon be shattered.

Read an Excerpt

The two men were slow moving, graceful, each with a high mohawk of golden straw-like hair, and heavily decorated with neck jewels. The neck-ware was gnarled, twisted, fibrous, fragments of plant stems dried and interwoven with beads and fresh flowers, trussed with other leaves and organic material, and embedded with strange jewels that seemed to glow and fade, changing colours across a spectrum of blues to greens and then back to blues.

Tundra inclined his head, made a small gesture and a bow.

‘He greets you,’ Kii translated. ‘Tundra does not speak very much, and so I’ll translate for him.’

‘How do you know what he wants to say, then?’ Merouac asked.

‘I can see it, or sense it, in the atmosphere,’ Kii explained.

Merouac watched in surprise as the Tundra gestured again, imparting information through the aether which Kii seemed to easily recieve and decipher.

Tundra then eased himself into a crouching position and cleared a patch of grass. He shook his head and determined it would not suit, and looked for a sandy patch. He moved over to another, more suitable, patch of ground and beckoned the other two to join him. He went through the same process of clearing the ground, and then used his fingers to trace lines into the sand. He was silent as he did so, but then looked at Kii expectantly, and Kii nodded.

‘Tundra said you did the right thing with the race that was escaping their imploding planet. They are safe, and they will rest in the core of Ahm now. Tundra was just drawing a map for me, to show me where they are.’

Merouac felt a shock run through him. ‘How does Tundra know about the Helara?’ he asked Kii.

‘There are things that can be seen in the energetic environment. He is able to perceive the place where the Helara now rest. It is under the power grid, deep below Suron. There is a cave network, and catacombs with very deep canyons. Below those canyons, this is where you found a place for the Helara to enter the core of the planet. It was the right thing to do,’ Kii said, translating as he watched Tundra’s fingers work in the sand.

About the Author:
Jordan Harcourt-Hughes is an abstract painter, writer and communications professional. She’s passionate about all aspects of creativity, life-long learning and personal wellbeing. Over the last fifteen years she’s led, coached and developed creative professionals across the Asia-Pacific region.

Jordan’s books, studio workshops, courses, coaching and resources are an invitation to explore the rich landscape of creative experiences open to all.

High Country is Jordan’s second novel set in the world of Bitroux.


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Inn the Dead of Winter by Rhonda Blackhurst

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rhonda Blackhurst will be awarding a free e-book of Inn the Dead of Winter or book one, Inn the Spirit of Murder to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to Spirit Lake in the dead of a Minnesota winter, where the brutally cold temp isn't the only thing to fear.

Andie Rose Kaczmarek, a six-year sober life coach and owner of the haunted Spirit Lake Inn, has learned the hard way that the living are far more dangerous than anything in the spirit world.

When a controversial guest fails to return to her room on the same night a body is discovered in a fish house on Big Spirit Lake, Andie Rose teams up with her sponsor and sidekick, Sister Alice, and her emotional support red retriever, Aspen, to solve the case.

After Andie Rose discovers illegal activity on the inn’s property that ties to the murder, the investigation shifts into high gear. As she uncovers shocking secrets of those she thought she knew, someone is intent on keeping her quiet at any cost.

Can the inn’s resident ghost save her from impending harm when it seems the ones closest to her pose the greatest threat?

Read an Excerpt

“Hey, Sister Alice. Good timing.” I wandered to the parlor and stood in front of the fireplace.

“Can’t say that there’s such a thing as good timing when I tell you why I’m calling.” I groaned inwardly. It was going to be one of these days, was it? When I didn’t 1 say anything, she continued. “They found a body in Big Spirit Lake.”

“Holy wicked whiskey!” My mind spun furiously. “Who’s they?”


“Hm. Well, on the positive side of things—and I know this won’t sound good—but at least it wasn’t here at the inn this time. And that someone found it before Aspen and I stumbled upon it when I took him there this afternoon.” I’d found a body at the inn last fall, bringing in the Halloween season in an unexpected fashion.

“Keep in mind when you go this afternoon that the police don’t need your help. Stay out of their way.”

“I’m insulted.”

“Stop pouting. You know it’s true. We’re to keep our own side of the street clean. Not stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

“I want to fire you as my sponsor.”

She snorted with amusement. “Have at it. You’re assuming you could find another one.”

Abut the Author: Rhonda is an avid reader, writer, coffee and dark chocolate connoisseur, and certified life coach. She has 10 independently published novels: The Inheritance, a contemporary fiction novel; seven books in the Melanie Hogan Mysteries; and Finding Abby and Abby's Redemption in the Whispering Pines Romantic Suspense duology. She was awarded the 2022 Master of Literary Arts Award from the Brighton Chamber.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Bad Guy by Ana Diamond

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ana Diamond will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Luke Daniels has done his fair share of bad things. But when the FBI offers him a deal in exchange for infiltrating the local Mafia’s infamous Costa Crew, Luke has no choice but to accept the challenge.

Beautiful, smart and tough, Sophia Costa wants out of the Crew. Appointed boss by her brother after he’s sent to prison, she wants no part in the murder, deceit and secrecy typical of Mafia life.

Just as things heat up between Luke and Sophia, a mysterious hitman targets Sophia, and Luke’s handler starts to wonder if Luke is up for the task.

As the lovers face the possibility of losing everything in order to be together, the line between loyalty and betrayal blur.

Read an Excerpt

“If they find out I’m a snitch, they’ll kill me,” Luke Daniels warned Special Agent Troy Wilson.

A hole-in-the-wall diner at a rest stop in northeastern Nevada was the last place Luke thought he’d ever find himself.

The agent’s expression remained stoic. “That’s a risk we’re willing to take. It’s you who needs to decide if walking free from cyber-crime and drug trafficking charges is worth it.

“Hmm. A max sentence of twenty years versus getting killed,” Luke mused. “A lose-lose decision no matter what I decide.”

Luke relaxed his posture while rubbing the stubble on his chin as the waitress set down two cups of black coffee in front of them; the roasted nutty smell instantly perked him up. She said nothing, barely acknowledged them with her heavily hooded eyes, as if she were doing her own hard time working at a diner until the end of her pathetic life. This dusty part of the world wasn’t trying to please anyone.

As he glanced around the empty run-down diner, Luke knew he’d rather be here than in prison for most of his life. “Why not find some guy who knows the mafia world?”

“If you’re smart enough to run a massive drug ring, we’re pretty confident you can infiltrate the Costa Crew. We tend to select those who’ve had some success in their criminal lives. You raked in quite a bit of money during your stint, and you did it without losing any limbs. Resilience is the key to this game, which I believe you possess.” He raised both palms in a “hold off” gesture. “Or you can spend the rest of your life in prison. It’s your choice.”

About the Author: When Ana Diamond isn't writing about tough gals finding love in unexpected places, she’s at work by day in the medical field. She writes romantic mystery novels with feisty strong women and alluring men who can’t resist them. Her books are fast paced, entertaining and heartfelt all at once.

Ana is a 2020 Tara Contest Finalist for Body Conscious and 2015 Melody of Love contest finalist. She lives in New York with her husband, two children and two needy but wildly entertaining kitty cats.


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Monday, February 10, 2025

Child Protection Behind Closed Doors by Jo Cooling

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click to see the other stops on the tour.

Five Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. When I was 12, I thought my mum forgot to pick me up so I walked home, it took me 4 hours. My mum went to the police and reported me missing. The Police were rude and stated I had gone off with my friends. When I arrived home safely, the police demanded I be brought to the police station, upon arrival the police stated to my mum, “where is she?”. My mum said “standing next to me”. I was so little the police could not even see me. The Police apologized for his rudeness, realizing that I was not your typical teenage runaway.

2. I love baking but I am so short I have to stand on my tippy toes to pipe the buttercream onto the top of the cupcakes, my husband thinks I look hilarious. Thanks goodness there is no photos to put on the internet.

3. I have 2 Cavoodles. My little princess miniature Cavoodle sleeps on top of my head and my prince Cavoodle sleeps curled in the crook of my legs. Seriously, have they not heard of personal space?

4. As a young law clerk, I dove into a high-stakes fraud case that spanned three long years. Eager for more excitement, I transferred to a criminal law firm, only to discover its shady operations. Years of silent observation culminated in a fateful confrontation with my boss, leading to threats against my family. Undeterred, I reported the illicit activities to the police, prompting a covert investigation and the eventual shutdown of the corrupt firm. But just when I thought it was over, a shocking headline revealed the sinister aftermath—a gangland associate, once my boss, murdered outside his home. The mystery deepens, intertwining my past actions with unforeseen consequences.

5. I went to Bali for a holiday and I am not very adventurous when it comes to food, so when I discovered they had a Pizza Hut restaurant I was very excited. I was pleased when I discovered that it had all the same selection of foods as we have in Australia.

I started off with a bowl of soup, then a bowl of pasta, of course I then went on to have pizza salad and of course finish with dessert. I was sitting at the table when a waiter approached the table and said to me “Miss, you only paid for one serve”. I looked at him and said “isn’t this all you can eat?”, the waiter replied “no Miss”. Didn’t I feel really bad, I did offer to pay however, they declined. The moral of the story, just because something applies in Australia doesn’t mean it is the same overseas.

In the beginning, a tragic event started me on my journey to a destination and my love for helping children of all ages and their families.

However, what I was not prepared for was that the people who assisted me and paved the way for my advancement in my chosen career in Child Protection were the same people who tried to bring me down.

This book will give you insight into what it is like to work in Child Protection. It will show you the difficulties and sometimes dangers workers face on a daily basis. Furthermore, the novel will also highlight the satisfaction you get when you can assist a child and their family through a traumatic event.

My career at Child Protection spanned nearly a decade, and during that time, I was bullied by management. I observed management bully other workers; I was also aware of workers consuming drugs, both outside work hours and during work hours.

This novel is a behind-the-scenes look at what really happens at Child Protection when the public is not watching or listening.

Child Protection is not an easy career path, but it can be a good job if you like long hours, have a thick skin, keep your head down, keep your mouth shut, and abide by everything that management wants you to do, even when you know it is wrong or unfair.

About the Author:
The life of Jo Cooling is like living in a theme park: one minute, it's like riding a roller coaster, baking cupcakes, cookies, and slices. With a kitchen covered with chocolate, flour, and cooking utensils. Also trying to develop new tastes and ideas for her growing baking business.

Sometimes, she feels like she travels through life in a Dodge 'em car. All the while, she works to complete two novels while caring for two Cavoodles, who believe their mother was placed on this earth purely to play with them 24 hours a day.

But no matter how out of control her life can be at times, eventually, she ends up sailing around on the Walt Disney teacup ride on top of the world. However, when she relaxes, the Cavoodles see this as an opportunity to snuggle on Mum's lap.

Jo's work career has been just as colorful as her current life. She has worked in horse and car racing, sold lingerie, designed websites, been a Personal Assistant, and worked as a Law Clerk.

Jo looks at life like a box of chocolates: each day unwraps a new layer, revealing unexpected flavors and textures.



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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Beautiful Evil Winter by Kelly K. Lavender

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Can a novel about an American couple's quest to adopt a Russian baby be called a Multi-Award-Winning Suspense Thriller? Yes.

"...The book is difficult to put down, enticing you to read a few more chapters before bed. In the end, the book leaves the reader satisfied, but the story never fully leaves your mind." The US Review of Books

In the late 1990s, a time in Moscow reminiscent of the unforgiving gun-slinging days of the frontier west, mild-mannered Ethan and hot-blooded Sophia board a Russian bound plane. Armed only with a homespun plan, the desperate American couple hopes to to adopt a baby boy.

What can go wrong? Maybe, an innocent ill-fated encounter with the Mafia or maybe, being marked as a target for mob revenge. Perhaps, having to rely on a first-time adoption coordinator to complete the process and shelter them from harm. Honestly, what won’t go wrong?

Crippled by circumstances - confined and monitored in a Moscow apartment, no language skills, no cell phone, no clue, no landline, no gun, no nearby family and a baby to protect, they have to find a way to out. Everything and anything can go wrong. How can they prevail?


This is the riveting, first person account of one couple's attempt to have a matter what it costs. They take a perilous journey to Moscow in an adoption attempt that leads them into more danger and adventure they had imagined.

This couple is nothing if not resilient - with Sophia being the driving force. There were times I wondered what she saw in Ethan, but at the end he was definitely the ying to her yang. The storyline was riveting and made me keep turning the page to see what was coming next.

My only quibble with the story (and this is just a personal thing... I know a lot of readers don't have this issue) is that I struggle with first person writing. I wanted to hear more from Ethan and what he was going through and thinking. But, that said, I got used to the flow and enjoyed the read. I recommend you check it out for yourself.

Read an excerpt

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sensible Shoes by Cindy Causey

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Cindy Causey will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

At her fiftieth birthday party, Tess Thomason, a plain-Jane, divorced mother and decidedly unprepared women’s newspaper columnist, is blindsided by her well-meaning family with a stack of gift cards she interprets as meaning she’s fat, frumpy, and wrinkled. Facing a lonely future and failing career, Tess embarks on a journey of self-discovery, taking her readers along for the ride. But her resolve is nearly derailed by a hilarious season of family chaos that includes a surprise pregnancy, rushed wedding, and unexpected houseguests. In the midst of it all, Tess is drawn into a confusing new relationship with a man who is impossibly perfect for her. But if she can keep herself, her family, and her willpower firmly seated on the crazy roller coaster of her life, maybe Tess will find her own self-worth and a new love in the bargain.

Read an Excerpt

But first, I needed to think.

If I were to embark on this perilous journey of reawakening and discovery, I needed to consult my sweet muse, to experience the warmth of an old friend, to snuggle into the comfort of the familiar.

I needed a full caf, mocha hazelnut latte, with a double whip….

I leaned back in the chair, sipped on the sweet mocha froth, and sighed aloud.

“It can’t be that bad.” The sound of a rumbling male voice, laced with humor, made me turn to my right and stare at the man seated there, newspaper on the table in front of him.

“I beg your pardon?”

He leaned forward a little, and I could see traces of gray in his temples and laugh lines around his eyes. They were very nice brown eyes.

They went with his very nice face, which was perfectly proportioned and just rugged enough to be interesting. His mouth quirked up a little at one corner as if he were slightly amused.

“Whatever those cards are, they seem to be upsetting you.”

“They’re gift cards.”

“Mmm, don’t you hate those?”

I chuckled. “Not normally, but these are particularly evil.”

“Ah, gift cards for the seven deadly sins. You don’t see those every day.”

The guy was intriguing. A sense of humor. And those eyes.

About the Author:

Cindy Causey taught herself to type in the 8th grade because she couldn't write in her diary fast enough in longhand. A degree and career in advertising were the result. A fifteen-year stint as a copy chief at JCPenney Catalog led to the position of Internet Marketing Manager for

After 20 years at JCPenney, Cindy retired in December, 2007, and began working full time with her husband Scott in their multi-media production company, Dallas Media Center. They specialized in audio/video production and editing, vintage media transfer to DVD and CD, as well as website design and hosting. Cindy shuttered the company in 2021, three years after Scott passed away.

After her first book, a non-fiction work called Cherish the Gift: a Congregational Guide to Earth Stewardship, was published, Cindy began writing fiction. She found her voice in romance, the stories of the struggles two people endure on the road to happily ever-after. Her debut novel, A Different Drum was published in May 2009 by The Wild Rose Press, followed by A Hot Time in Texas that same year.

In early 2025, her latest novel, Sensible Shoes, a humorous look at a woman struggling with life after 50, was published by The Wild Rose Press. It will be followed in late 2025 by a romantic suspense novel entitled Saving Samantha.

Cindy makes her home in Dallas, Texas. In addition to writing, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her 5 grown children and 4 grandchildren. She would like to see the edges of the entire world from the deck of a cruise ship.


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Monday, January 13, 2025

The Costume Box by Peter Hynes

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Peter Hynes will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

This is the second edition of poetry written by Peter Hynes, after Under the Oak. I hope you enjoy reading these poems, and perhaps I can make you think about things you might not ordinarily think about.

Read an Exclusive Excerpt from THE COSTUME BOX


a comet streaks through the finale
of a star-crossed sunset
its tail bright as sunlight,
but quickly disappearing,
a sort of dissatisfaction
following in its wake,
as if you thought it would be visible
all through the coming night;
but not so, it has shown itself and gone,
speeding through space as some men
only wish that they could do,
vast wealth spent on space flight,
yet no one’s living on the moon
nor has anyone reached Mars
-and why would they want to?-
so the comet’s indifference to
what you and I may wish for
is certainly to be expected,
however much it drives home
how small and insignificant
our lovely blue planet is…

About the Author: Peter Hynes is a Canadian. He began writing poetry many years ago, in high school. His poetry has been published in various anthologies and elsewhere since. This is his first book of poems. He was born in southwestern Ontario. He still lives in the province with his wife and their small menagerie.


Under the Oak : Poems by Peter Hynes (book 1)

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The Costume Box: Poems by Peter Hynes (book 2)

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Scars and Secrets by Thomas Grant Bruso

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Thomas Grant Bruso will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Ralph Ashton gets more than he bargained for when police question him about the death of his ex-boyfriend Elijah Ray, whose body is discovered at the edge of the Saranac River.

When the local police visit Ralph and ask him about a critical piece of case evidence, Ralph becomes a prime suspect. He sets out to learn what happened to Eli the night he left his apartment and is startled to learn about his former boyfriend’s shady past.

As Ralph pursues a dangerous investigation, he discovers things about Eli he did not know while they were together.

Ralph’s life starts to unravel when he loses more people close to him as his mother lies in a hospital bed dying of cancer. Is learning about the truth of Eli’s death worth jeopardizing his safety?

Read an Excerpt

The face of my mother flashes in my mind, and I think about running back to the hospital and staying by her side.

James uncrosses his leg from left to right and changes positions so the side of his face illuminates in a shaft of soft glow from the floor lamp hanging over his shoulder. I want to tell him he looks fucking sexy that way, but I keep quiet. He holds his yellow writing pad, the tips of his fingers turning white, and I dream about what he can do to me with those meaty hands. Touch me in my favorite place, I want to tell him. But I don’t.

I picture him holding my face in his sweaty palms as we lock gazes, staring haughtily into each other’s eyes. The stiffness of my erection knocks against the fabric of my pants. I squirm in my chair.

“What do you mean?” he asks. “Deadness?”

I force myself to blink a few times, snap out of my hazy dream, and look up at Dr. Matheson. His expression is alarming, unblinking. He stares at me, bordering on the threshold of a stalker.

I find a way out of my rut, clawing, digging, and rummaging through a labyrinth of unfathomable responses. “All I want to do is listen to Twenty One Pilots or Nickelback and drink beer. Forget about life, people, and work.”

Except for my mother. My ex-boyfriend, Eli, too.

I want to see him. It’s been a while since he walked out on me and never returned.

Dr. Matheson angles his head to the side, deciding whether to ask his next set of questions. I hear him swallow, and it sounds like he has a dry mouth or is uncomfortable asking me a question from the long list on his pad. He is overthinking, I notice. “How is your mother?” When I don’t answer immediately, he adds, “How are the nightmares?” My reason for being here.

I sigh. I don’t want to talk about what keeps me awake at night, although this past week—year—has been terrifying. “It’s been nonstop,” I say.

“Have you been to the hospital?”

I nod. “Before I came here.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s scary. Seeing my mother in that hospital bed makes me want to die. I hate watching her wither away slowly.”

about the Author
Thomas Grant Bruso knew he wanted to be a writer at an early age. He has been a voracious reader of genre fiction since childhood.

His literary inspirations are Ray Bradbury, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Jim Grimsley, Karin Fossum, and Joyce Carol Oates.

Bruso loves animals, reading books, and writing fiction, and prefers Sudoku to crossword puzzles.

In another life, he was a freelance writer and wrote for magazines and newspapers. In college, he won the Hermon H. Doh Sonnet Competition. Now, he writes and publishes fiction and reviews books for his hometown newspaper, The Press-Republican.

He lives in upstate New York.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Lethal Impulse by Steve Rush

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Steve Rush will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

He’s riddled with guilt. She’s annoyed with the status quo.

The death of a crime boss’s daughter forces Detective Neil Caldera to leave NYC. He seeks refuge in the tranquil embrace of a small town, where he finds himself entangled in the labyrinth of a teenage girl’s murder.

Tess Fleishman’s pale skin and extreme weight loss portrays a disease she wants others to see. While inside, a compulsion for Neil fuels her passion to have him or destroy him.

As Neil delves into the heart of the town's secrets, will truth deliver solace? Or will Tess prevail?

Read an Excerpt

Happenstance played no role in the display now before him. The artist’s rendition displayed evidence of a warped mind. Malevolence flaunted in the form of a portrait painted with blood.

Neil widened the beam of light with a left twist of the flashlight’s head. Shock jolted him. The likeness on the barn wall stared back at him with remarkable resemblance.

“Holy mother of Moses. I understand why you didn’t want to come back.”

Neil looked at the front and rear doors. Light from an approaching vehicle rose on the front of the barn. Gaps around the door allowed enough streaks of light through to make shadows look as if the light infused them with life. The vehicle continued onward. Every shadow around Neil returned to stationary ominous forms. He half-turned toward the front and listened. The whine of tires on pavement diminished. Silence again filled the barn.

The hinges squawked against Neil’s shove on the right-side door. Chad turned his head in Neil’s direction. He was sitting on the ground with his back to the weathered wood. Knees drawn up, arms wrapped around them and his right hand clamped on his left wrist.

“It’s you.” Chad shuddered, tilted his head toward the barn. “In there. The picture on the wall looks like you.”

Neil glanced inside. The image renewed in his mind. “Is that the reason you called me? To have me look at someone’s depravity smeared on a barn wall?”

Chad shook his head. “No, sir.”

“Then why?”

“I know what you did.”

About the Author:

Steve Rush is an award-winning author whose experience includes tenure as homicide detective and chief forensic investigator for a national consulting firm. He worked with the late Joseph L. Burton, M.D, under whom he mastered his skills, and investigated many deaths alongside Dr. Jan Garavaglia of Dr. G: Medical Examiner fame. His specialties include crime scene reconstruction, injury causation, blood spatter analysis, occupant kinematics, and recovery of human skeletal remains.

Steve’s book Kill Your Characters; Crime Scene Tips for Writers was named finalist in the 2023 Silver Falchion Award for Best Nonfiction and Honorable Mention in the 2023 Readers’ Favorite Awards. Lethal Impulse won the 2022 Public Safety Writing Association’s Writing Competition for an unpublished novel, longlisted in the 2022 Page Turner Awards and joint first prize in the 2020 Chillzee KiMo T-E-N Contest.

Publishing credits:

Kill Your Characters; Crime Scene Tips for Writers, Genius Books, June 2022
Blood Red Deceit, Wings ePress, (thriller) September 2023
After Her Deceit, Wings ePress, (thriller) October 2024
Lethal Impulse, The Wild Rose Press, (romantic suspense/crime thriller) October 2024
Upcoming 2025 releases:
The Shocking Truth (crime thriller) presale 02/15/25, and Deadline 4:59 (crime thriller), Wings ePress

Purchase links:

The Wild Rose Press:
Barnes and Noble:

Website and social media links:

Amazon Author Page:

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Monday, January 6, 2025

Where is Love? by Annie Caboose

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Annie Caboose will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

While walking in the garden one day, Annie, a curious little ant from Hillsville, meets a single poppy flower called Love. They become instant friends, sharing stories, laughing and talking for hours on end. Then one autumn day Annie goes to visit Love, but Love is not there. Remembering the rhyme that Love told her, she sets off on an adventure to find Love.

Love is with you every day.
Love is never far away.
Go search, go find and then you’ll see
All the places Love can be.

But don’t forget to look within
For often, that’s where Love begins.

May Annie’s story inspire anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved being, to look and perhaps still find them within their lives and within themselves.

Read an Excerpt

About the Author:

Annie, a.k.a. the Caboose, is the youngest of nine children. Her loving mother read her lots of children’s stories, including some she wrote herself. Inspired by her mom, Annie wrote her first book, Where is Love? She resides on a lake in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, fascinated by the many birds that live there too.


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Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Poseidon Project by E. William Podojil

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. What are your favorite TV shows?
EWP: The only TV show I watch is Jeopardy! I’m mostly a reader.

What is your favorite meal?
EWP: Just about anything Italian.

If you were to write a series of novels, what would it be about?
EWP: I’m currently writing a series, but if I started another one, I’d make it about a very different group of people, such as show-business people or some other colorful group like artists or entrepreneurs. I would still keep it a mystery with a few twists in it.

Is there a writer you idolize? If so who?
EWP: James Michener, Homer, anyone who can write a huge, long story and not bore the reader.

How did you come up for the title of this book?
EWP: The Poseidon Project title came to me in a dream, and I liked it immediately.

The Poseidon Project is an international suspense thriller and the first book in The Herb Society Mysteries series

Molly Halloran and her friends have a secret past. Their bucolic retirement is suddenly upended when Molly’s husband is abducted and held for a steep ransom. Now she, her friends, her tech executive son, Lukas and his Air Force pilot boyfriend must race against the clock and travel halfway around the world to meet the kidnappers’ demands. But when they learn why her husband has been abducted, they realize how high the stakes truly are. Molly and her friends now must face their past in order to save the future. But not only their futures; the world’s.

Read an Excerpt

“There’s just nothing like airplane sweaty body, Ma. I promise I won’t tell anyone you complained about your private jet.” Lukas joked.

“You know, Lukas, I know it’s your romantic life, and you don’t need your mother meddling in your affairs, but Taylor is quite a catch if you ask me. You two look so natural together, like you’ve known each other forever.”

“I hope you mean that in a good way, Ma.” Lukas blushed a bit. His mother could see right through him. “I’m waiting ’til he reveals he’s a psychotic serial killer. That’s usually how my relationships go, well, not the serial killer part, but definitely the psychotic part.”

“I think you should go for it, for what it’s worth. And why are you so negative about relationships?” his mother asked.

“Mom, I’ve known him for a week and during one of the most awful, chaotic weeks in my life. I’d like to see how we get along in a normal setting, like normal, boring life. Watching Netflix, making popcorn, folding clothes, you know? Simple life stuff. That’s when you know whether you’re with the right person or not.”

“You haven’t changed much, Lukas,” his mom pointed out. “You look at everything with logic, precision, follow the rules, and with as little variation as possible. You’ve been that way since you were little, and I love that about you, but you have to let yourself feel emotions. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and take a leap of faith. You’re not a Klingon, for God’s sake. a leap of faith. You’re not a Klingon, for God’s sake.”

Lukas held back a laugh. “I think you mean a Vulcan, Mom.”

“Let me ask you something, Lukas. How do you feel when you’re around Taylor?”

Lukas pondered. “That’s easy, Ma. I feel like I’m right where I want to be. I feel joy, fear, happiness, then scared and vulnerable. Panicked and terrified he’s going to walk away.”

“Like Drew, you mean?”

Lukas paused. “Yeah, Ma, like Drew.”

“You live once, honey. You’re almost forty, and before you know it you will be my age. It’s best to share a life with someone, not run probability formulas to predict success or failure. Sometimes, you just have to jump and know, that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay.”

“What did you and Dad do before I was born?” Lukas quickly changed the subject.

Molly was taken aback. “Um, well, we had a lot of adventures, that’s for sure. Not much money, so we both worked a lot, but we had fun.”

“Mom, how did you meet your friends, you know, Linda, Betty, and Donna?”

“We worked together.”

“Teaching? Lukas asked.

“Not teaching. We worked together at Argonne National Laboratory before teaching.”

“What did you guys do there?”

Molly thought about a response. “Lots of stuff.”

“Mom, can you tell me more than that?”

Molly let out a sigh. “Not every story is my story alone to tell. I have to get the ladies to explain some things. It’s a long story, so let’s go get them so we can tell it together.”

About the Author:
E. William Podojil has worked as a writer, advisor and international business executive while living in the Netherlands and the United States. He studied screenwriting at UCLA. His first novel, The Tenth Man, was published in 2004, by Haworth Press. His latest novel, The Poseidon Project, will be published by Wild Rose Press in August, 2024 as the first book in the Herb Society Mysteries series.

Podojil currently resides in Northeast Ohio with his husband and three sons. He travels extensively and writes about his experiences on his website.


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These are Not My Words (I Just Wrote Them) by Donovan Hufnagle

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

I don’t eat much ice cream anymore. Ice cream and I are not good friends at this stage of my life. But I love rocky road. You can’t go wrong with chocolate ice cream and to add marshmallows and almonds to it, well, that should say it all. A little crunch with more sweet from the mallows is all you need. It meets all the nostalgic buttons. A lot of the poems in my current book These Are Not My Words (I Just Wrote Them) have a sense of nostalgia, too. The poem “First Loves” is a personal narrative poem about some of the friends and neighbors I grew up with and loved. The inspiration for the poem came from that common feeling when you go back to your old home, school, or wherever, and everything seems so small. And the way we remember things is usually so skewed. Some of the last lines of the poem ask, “Why do I carry these carnival mirror/perspectives?/Are they narratives bloated from myth and dreams?” Perhaps, my memory of Rocky Road is the same skewed dream.

Which mythological creature are you most like?

For my myth and monsters course that I teach on occasion, one lesson asks students to choose a known monster that reflects one of their biggest fears. I jokingly suggest that I should bring out a couch for students to lay on as they divulge their answers, expressing their fears to me and how that monster illustrates those fears. Most choose monsters such as the siren or the Kraken. And typically, these monsters suggest fear of the being powerless. When I share my response to this assignment, I tend to choose more contemporary monsters or things that are not necessarily considered a classic “monster.” One monster I choose is the clown. My monster is the clown. I tend to fear monsters of duality such as the werewolf or as I stated the clown. Or monsters that can hide in plain sight like the contemporary vampire or as I stated—a clown. Obviously, a clown is not a mythical creature, but they are monsters and monstrous in every way. A person hiding their face behind a fake painted smile triggers my own idea of powerlessness.

First book you remember making an indelible impression on you.

Honestly, there are so many books that have influenced my writing or influenced me in different ways that it is difficult to pin down one book. I will say, though, I struggled as a child to read. I had learning difficulties and, unbeknownst to my parents at the time, I needed glasses. We didn’t discover I needed glasses until fourth grade, so I was behind a bit in my reading. Reading, for me, at least early on, was a contentious relationship. It wasn’t until later in life that reading became more enjoyable. I have vivid memories, though, of my high school English teacher discussing To Kill a Mockingbird. Till this day, I remember my teacher talking about Mr. Avery peeing off the porch. And when Jem and Dill engaged in a peeing contest, Scout feeling left out for obvious reasons. I love The Great Gatsby. The first poems that started it all for me were Robert Frost’s “Acquainted with the Night” and William Carlos Williams’s “This is Just to Say.” Though the book that maybe has had the most impact on me is The Best Nest by PD Eastman. I read that book to all three of my children. They love the book and the song within it still rings in my head today, “I love my house. I love my nest. In all the world my nest is best.”

How do you develop your plot and characters?

I know this question is more directed to writers that focus mainly on prose, but as a poet, I enjoy writing narratives and even within my poetry, I don’t lose sight of plot or character. I argue that the sonnet is one of the best short, short, short, story forms, for example. The sonnet has all the basic elements of a good narrative: the buildup, the climax, the resolution. I have a couple contemporary sonnets in my current book These Are Not My Words (I Just Wrote Them). The sonnets are not traditional Shakespearian sonnets with iambic pentameter and a rhyme scheme, but they typically tell some sort of story. The poem “…At Home” stars the Brown Hornet, which is the meta cartoon in the cartoon Fat Albert.

I have many narrative poems in the book as well. I tend to take a character that is familiar to me such as a friend or family member and meld them that with a famous person such as the blues musician Blind Lemon Jefferson. The poem “The Spirit of Deep Ellum” uses the location known as Deep Ellum in Dallas, Texas to set the stage. The narrative follows Hank, a starving musician, playing on the corners of Deep Ellum. He follows in the footsteps of Blind Lemon Jefferson, who we find out is Hank’s grandfather.

Describe your writing space.

I took over my oldest daughter’s room, since she has moved away to college. Typically, I am sitting behind the floating desk I made and typing on my laptop while my dog chews away at her chew toy below my feet. The desk is a live edge slab of black walnut that I sanded and epoxied. The laptop is a 13” MacBook air. And my dog is a lilac French Bulldog. Her name is Gertie Rose, named after the poet Gertrude Stein. When I am working, I tend to have books all around me or piled up on the dresser adjacent to the desk for references. Luckily, I am the primary user because my wife has OCD and would flip if she had to work in my “creatively organized” space. I wish I was using my wife’s Tio’s office chair that I write about in the poem “Refurbished” from my current book, but, spoiler alert, I haven’t finished refurbishing the chair completely. Don’t tell my publisher. When I am not working, I sit on the leather sofa directly behind my desk and either watch TV, read, or, yes, nap.

Echoing Chuck Palahniuk’s statement. “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known,” this collection explores identity. These poems drift down rivers of old, using histories private and public and visit people that I love and loathe. Through heroes and villains, music and cartoons, literature and comics, science and wonder, and shadow and light, each poem canals the various channels of self and invention. As in the poem, “Credentials,” “I am a collage of memories and unicorn stickers…[by] those that have witnessed and been witnessed.”

Read an Excerpt


Susan taught me that poetic energy lies
between the lines, white noise scratching
and clawing between images, ideas,

And like a poem,
the chair was molded by my Tio’s hands,
an antique wooden upholstered desk chair.

My Tio moved from Durango, Mexico
to Forth Worth in 1955.

He became a mason and wood worker.

He bricked the stockyards

He built the signs

He died in 2005.

matted. Worn. Faded floral design. Wood
scarred like healing flesh.

The arms torn, ratted by the heft of his arms
and the stress of the days. The foam peeks

The brass upholstery tacks rusted. I count
1000 of them. With each,
I mallet a fork-tongue driver under its head.
A tap, tap, tapping until it sinks beneath the tack,
until the tack springs from its place.
I couldn’t help but think of a woodpecker.
A tap, tap, tapping into Post Oak,
a rhythm…each scrap of wood falling to the ground
until a home is formed.
Until each piece of wood like the tacks removed
shelter something new.

I remove the staples, the foam, the fabric,
the upholstery straps
until it’s bones.
I sand and stain
until its bones shine.

I layer and wrap its bones with upholstery straps,
foam, fabric, staples and tacks.
New tacks, Brass medallions
adorning the whole, but holding it
all together—
its bones
its memories,
its energy.

About the Author:
Donovan Hufnagle is a husband, a father of three, and a professor of English and Humanities. He moved from Southern California to Prescott, Arizona to Fort Worth, Texas. He has five poetry collections: These Are Not My Words (I Just Wrote Them), Raw Flesh Flash: The Incomplete, Unfinished Documenting Of, The Sunshine Special, Shoebox, and 30 Days of 19. Other recent writings have appeared in Tempered Runes Press, Solum Literary Press, Poetry Box, Beyond Words, Wingless Dreamer, Subprimal Poetry Art, Americana Popular Culture Magazine, Shufpoetry, Kitty Litter Press, Carbon Culture, Amarillo Bay, Borderlands, Tattoo Highway, The New York Quarterly, Rougarou, and others.



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