Monday, August 5, 2024

The Path of Revenge by Tom Haward

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. If someone were writing a story about you, what would your blurb say?

Well I’m an identical twin, who was adopted by an oyster farming family and my birth family were from India, so I guess it would be a rather far reaching story!

Would you tell us a little about your newest release that isn't in the blurb?

The main villain, Bjorn Askå is a true sociopath and delights in other people’s misery. The characters in The Path of Revenge are battling exterior enemies and their own internal demons, making this a true story of revenge.

What was your favorite scene to write in this story?

I loved writing about Faust becoming a soldier and encountering Askå for the first time. This scene is intended to be a true horror scene, which jars the reader out of the action/adventure. I love the horror genre so was keen to write something that honoured horror within this book and Askå would fit within a horror novel.

If you could trade places with one of your characters, who would it be and why?

Most of the characters are living in some sort of dystopian nightmare so I’m not sure I’d want to trade places. Although, it would be intriguing to be Faust for a few days just to experience what having a memory palace is like, as being able to draw on any memory must be incredible.

The rebellion is in hiding. It has been a year since Boatman King attempted to overthrow the Empire, but instead had to escape London with his wife and their closest allies.

Not all of Boatman King’s allies are in hiding. Maverick “The Beast” Kirabo is on a mission to finish what he started on the streets of London. The former gladiator has a score to settle and revenge to unleash: Rome will fear him as they once adored him.

Despite its failure, Boatman King’s rebellion has spread disquiet in Rome’s political circles. Grand Protector Faust dispatches a pair of hunters to search the country and bring Boatman and his followers back to London for reckoning. Although Faust is the official face of Rome’s leadership, Emperor Maximus is thirsty to stamp his mark on the world and step out from his dead father’s shadow.

Unbeknownst to Faust and Maximus, a terrifying presence is watching the unrest and relishing in the vulnerabilities it’s causing.

Read an Excerpt

It was a chilly Autumn morning with barely a breath of wind. He gazed over to the other side of the channel to see a seal lazing on the mud. A heron landed a few metres away from Boatman, unperturbed by the man’s presence. It only took ten minutes to leave shore and get to the oyster beds by boat, but it felt like a wilderness. For a moment, Boatman felt like the trauma and stress of the past few months had evaporated, out here in this tiny wilderness.

“I definitely prefer hitting a Roman in the face to this.” Tobias’s words brought Boatman back to reality.

“Being out here is good for the soul,” said Boatman.

“What the f*** happened to your soul? It’s muddy, wet and cold. If I wanted that combination, I would have gone to fight in the Aestii region.”

“You need an open mind, Tobias.”

“No, I need to be somewhere hot. I used to have a gorgeous, golden tan. Do you remember that? Do you remember my tan? I looked good.” Tobias looked down at himself, mud splattered up his oilskin overalls, “Now I look like a pale hobo.”

“Did Maverick know where your off switch was? Because it would be really handy right now.”

“I came out here with you. Voluntarily.”

“Only because Bella didn’t want you.”

“I’m offended she didn’t want me to go with her.”

“She’s hunting birds. It needs to be done quietly. As in, no constant talking,” said Boatman.

About the Author:

Tom was born in Essex and, at 4 months old, he and his identical twin were adopted into an oyster farming family. Tom now runs the business as generation eight of Haward oyster farmers. He has a fiancée, baby daughter and a cockapoo.

Tom has an MA in Creative Writing and The Path of Chaos (Cinnabar Moth Publishing) is his debut novel, which was released August 2023. The Path of Revenge is the sequel in The Path of Chaos series and will be released August 6th 2024.


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