Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Divine Touch by Kristy Denice Bock - Spotlight and Giveaway

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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kristy Denice Bock will be awarding $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Finding a naked man where Werewolf bones once were should have let Kate know she was in for an unusual day! Nothing could have prepared her for the discovery that her mother is a Goddess, and that nothing in her life would ever be the same. Zane DeSeville spent five centuries trapped in a prison of his own body only to be awakened by the image of the woman who caused his entrapment. After Kate discovers that she’s the daughter of a Goddess, another bombshell is dropped in her lap. She has to pass three Trials of Humanity, or she’ll be imprisoned as Zane had been, and Zane would be her judge and jury!

Enjoy an excerpt:

Kate found her way to the Kitchen. She found Holland walking around the room with a cell phone in her hand, extended as she moved about trying to find signal.

“Can you hear me now?” Kate asked.

“Kate! I was ready to call in the military.” Holland launched herself at Kate, hugging her tight.

“Holls, you are choking me,” Kate said, her ribs still sore from their earlier abuse.

“Don't care. Save it. What the fuck is going on?” Kate hid a smile, Holland's language always left something to be desired.

“I missed you. I was promised chocolate ice cream, a sappy movie and you. Never let it be said the Goddess doesn't answer prayers.” Kate took a step away from Holland and picked up the Ice cream she spied on the table next to them.

“Who is the walking magnet?” Holland asked.

“His name is Cole,” Kate answered.

“What's his deal?”

“I don't know, why?”

“He's got a nice ass.”

“He's like twelve years old!”

“He's 28.”

“No way, how do you know?”

“Because I asked him right after I told him he had a nice ass.”

“You told him that?”

“What good is thinking something if it's not shared?”

“Does he really have a nice behind?”

“How did I get here?”

“The Goddess brought you for me. I have so much to tell you. Ice cream first, find bowls.”

Kate walked around the kitchen and opened one at a time until she found decorative wooden bowls which would do quite nicely for their frozen treat. She placed them on the counter and searched again for a scoop and two spoons. After the dessert found its way into the bowls Kate hopped up on the countertop and motioned for Holland to do the same. The two ate in silence for a few moments before Kate spoke. Kate relayed the story starting with how she picked up the shipment meant for her ex-husband.

“He called me by the way,” Holland said.

“Kevin?” asked Kate.

“What a vile toad. The sex must have been phenomenal because his personality leaves so much to be desired.”

“He is, it wasn't, it does... And what did he say?”

“Blah blah blah, random threat, blah blah blah, knows what you really are, mayhem, devastation, destruction.”

“I doubt he knows what I just found out today. At best he'd seem like a lunatic raving how his ex-wife is a witch.”

“Want me to run him over? I have full coverage.”

“I have enough to deal with at the moment. Kevin is the least of my concerns. I have a vengeful witch who tried to blow me up, three trials that could end in possible annihilation if I fail, and a werewolf that I can't quite figure out what to do with. Not to mention, my mother’s a Goddess. A Goddess. Talk about a readymade complex.”

“So many things to be shocked over, so little time.” Holland stated.

“I guess it would be hard to take in. In one sitting I've told you of werewolves, Goddesses, and witches.” Kate replied.

“No, I meant why you would not call me the minute you found a naked man on the table. At the very least you could have sent me a few picture texts,” Holland said.

“I'm sorry for not thinking clearly at that moment.”

“I forgive you, but only if you forgive me for the confession I'm about to make.” Holland said.

“What confession?” Kate asked.

“I plan on seducing the walking magnet, pissing off the blond bombshell, and finding out the intentions of one really old werewolf.”

“He's too young for you.”

“I'm one year older than you.”

“He's too young for me too.”

“You take all the fun out of my life, what's five years?”

“The difference between diapers and big boy pants.”

“You are a sick, sick woman, Kate.”

“I know”

About the Author: Kristy Denice Bock is an avid reader who fell in love with creating characters at a young age. She lives in Coastal Carolina and is quite the fan of the Crystal Coast. She is the mother of four unique humans who constantly keep her on her toes. She’s the proud grandmother of two, and the world’s greatest Aunt to ten pretty spectacular humans. Her parents bought her a typewriter at 14, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. Read Kristy Denice Bock’s Smashwords Interview.

Website: http://www.kristybock.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kdbock
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kdbock
Blog: http://kristybock.wordpress.com/
Smashwords Author Page: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/kdbock79

Other books by Kristy Denice Bock
Please visit your favorite ebook retailer to discover other books by Kristy Denice Bock

The Divine Ones

Divine Touch (Book 1) Out now!

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  Divine Intervention (Book 2) Out now!

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  Divine Purpose (Book 3) Out Now

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  Heaven and Hell

The Light (Book 1) Out now!

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    Stand Alone Books

With This Ring I Thee Trust, Anthology Comfort and Joy Out Now!

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  1. What is your favorite genre?

  2. I have enjoyed the tour, thank you.

  3. Thanks for sharing! It's been fun following the tour and reading the excerpts. I'm looking forward to picking up a copy :)

  4. A very entertaining excerpt! Thank you.

  5. Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!

  6. Oh wow. The blurb totally surprised me. From the cover I thought this was going to be a different genre. This sounds interesting. Definitely, NOT enough chocolate or ice cream.

  7. Oh wow. The blurb totally surprised me. From the cover I thought this was going to be a different genre. This sounds interesting. Definitely, NOT enough chocolate or ice cream.

  8. Great excerpt, sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing Divine Touch, I enjoyed following the tour and learning about it, good luck!


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