Thursday, April 20, 2023

Murder at the Zoo by Marcia Rosen

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Marcia Rosen will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Welcome to It's Raining Books. Why do you write in your genre? What draws you to it?

I have always loved puzzles and figuring out solutions to them. Also, my favorite films have been and are B&W noir mysteries, especially the "Thin Man" type of characters. My second mystery series is a play on them. Also, I love the Acorn British mysteris. I'm drawn to the mystery genre because I like the concept of a problem and finding the right solution.

What research is required?

For me, digging deep into history and background regarding the type of characters I'm writing about.

Name one thing you learned from your hero/heroine.

Be sure you know who you can trust. Of course she learned that from me, right? We always need to be thoughtful about who we trust and allow as part of our lives.

Do you have any odd or interesting writing quirks, habits or superstitions?

Just eating chocolate when I take a break. Lots of rewrites until I'm ready to send it to my editor. Of course I don't take all her advice, but most of it!

Are you a plotter or pantser?

Absolutely a pantser. I know there will be at least several murders and the murderer caught at the end, but the pages inbtween are created as I write the book. I have a good sense about the main characters, but not so much the others until writing.

Look to your right – what’s sitting there?

A tiny Eiffel Tower, a souvenir from Paris, and a lamp...further right are books and more books. Some mine, some others.

Anything new coming up from you? What?

More marketing regarding the launch of my recent book and working on the next one for the series... Cinderalla and Podcast Murders. Doing research abot murders on Rt. 66....there were many. And writing some articles that I use to promote books by submitting them to blogs and organization newsletters.

Do you have a question for our readers?

What do you like most about cozy mysteries? If you like my book, would you be willing to give it a review? Well, only if you like it. Thanks very much.

A body is tossed into the lion’s habitat at the zoo where Miranda Scott is the senior vet. She and Detective Bryan Anderson join forces to unravel that mystery and several more murders. A fan since childhood of Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, and Sherlock Holmes they seem to live in her head frequently telling her what to do…and not do. Murders, family, deceit, revenge and a gangster father and godfather often get in the way of a fine romance between Miranda and the Detective.

Read an Excerpt

Bryan whispered to Isabella, walked out, and came back in with the most special gift of all. Handing Miranda the leash to an Australian Shepherd puppy he said, “Your new watch dog.” And giving her a big kiss, he whispered, “You know, I love you.”

The detective and the veterinarian were too busy to deal with the “I love you” issue for now but. . . eventually.

Of course, the voices had to have their say.

“Yes, you can trust him.” Agatha was such a romantic.

“Well, we agree!” chimed in Sherlock and Raymond.

“What are you going to name her?”

With a mischievous grin Miranda said, “Agatha.”

About the Author

Marcia Rosen (aka M. Glenda Rosen), award winning author of eleven books including The Senior Sleuths and Dying To Be Beautiful Mystery Series and The Gourmet Gangster: Mysteries and Menus (Menus by her son Jory Rosen). She is also author of The Woman’s Business Therapist and award winning My Memoir Workbook. For 25 years she was owner of a successful national marketing and public relations agency, Marcia has frequently been a speaker and/or program moderator at organization meetings and conferences, bookstores, libraries and Zoom Programs. Topics she has taught and presented over the past twenty years include: Encouraging the Writer Within You, Marketing for Authors, Writing Mysteries…Not A Mystery, Writing Your Memoir and recently “Anatomy of Writing A Murder.” Many articles on these topics have been published on mystery reader blogs and in newsletters and magazines including “Mystery Scene Magazine” and “Mystery Reader International Journal.”

She is a member of Sisters in Crime National and New Mexico (Croak & Dagger), Southwest Writers, New Mexico Book Association, Women Writing the West, Public Safety Writer’s Association, and National Association of Independent Writers and Editors—for which she is also a board member.

“Marcia Rosen's new book is hard to put down! The characters are engaging and you enjoy getting to know them as you read this mystery. I enjoyed discovering the world and people in Murder at the Zoo and can't wait to read more from this author!”

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds interesting and good luck on your book!

  2. Appreciate being feature on your very nice site, thanks to you and your visitor. I'm working on a memoir/lifestory blog, really fun. Marcia

  3. This looks like such a great read - best of luck with it!


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